Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wizetrade Support

-from: wizetrade site


Right from the start, our dedicated team of trainers is here to assist in teaching you how you can become a knowledgeable and confident trader. We know everyone learns differently and that is why we have put together a number of different training methods so you can find the one that is most suitable for you. From watching On Demand videos to hands-on training classes, from online tutorials to Wizetrade TV® live-in-the-market broadcasts each market day, these resources are all here to help you learn how you can become a better trader!

Personal Training:

As soon as you become a Wizetrade® customer, you are assigned an orientation trainer to help you get started down your personalized trading path. Your orientation trainer will take you through your software program and show you how to access all the FREE training that comes with every Wizetrade program. Once you’re up and running, you have access to free customer service and technical support for as long as you maintain an active account.

Wizetrade TV:

Broadcasting 12 hours every trading day, Wizetrade TV is your best training resource for finding and evaluating potential trading opportunities, live in the market, as it’s happening. Email or call in your trading questions to market experts or watch as other traders submit their trades for analysis.

We also have over 20 hours of On Demand classes for each product that you can watch at your leisure. These classes are categorized by experience level so you can easily follow along and increase your trading expertise at your pace.

Live Wizetrade Events:

Wizetrade instructors travel the country putting on FREE training events for our customers.

See a List of Events
User Groups:

Learning from your peers is a unique and powerful way to hone your trading skills. Wizetrade has User Groups all across the country for you to join. Become part of a trading community; there’s nothing like it.

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